Productsize:129x57x110cm Cookingarea:690x450mm, Enamel steel wiring cooking grids, 3pcs Warmingrack:660x140mm, Stainless steel warmingrack Lid:Steel, black powder coating lid, singlelayer Thermometer:Stainlesssteel Firebox:Steel, with high-temp resistant powdercoating BurnerandPower:Stainless steel tube burners, 3.6kw per burner, total 14.4KW Oiltray:Galvanized sheet oil tray, easy remove out from back side Ignitionsystem:Push and turn, intergrated automatic easy ignition Flametamper:Enamel flame tamper,4pcs Controlpanel:Steel, with black powdercoating Controlknob:ABS control knob and Stainless steel knobbase